Planning Your Legacy
VA Survivors and Burial Benefits
Our Mission: To fulll President Lincoln’s promise to care
for those who have served in our naon’s military and for
their families, caregivers, and survivors.
2 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
The Department of Veterans Affairs (V A) offers this survivors and burial benefits kit as a source of
pre-need planning information and record storage for Veterans and their families. This kit is
intended to be used as a supplement to the Summary of VA Dependents’ and Survivors’ Benefits
Included you will find a section entitled Planning for the Future to guide you through end-of-life
and survivors’ benefits eligibility. This section will tell you what benefits are offered and when
and how you should apply.
For your convenience, we have provided space for you to add your own personal information
that can be kept in a centralized location for your use, and for the use of loved ones. This
Record of Personal Affairs section identifies the location of important documents, account
numbers, military discharge documents, and marital information.
Additionally, we have provided samples of completed forms that may be needed in the
application process. VA forms change periodically; current versions can be found online at
It is our sincere desire that the information and documents contained in this brochure assist you
and your loved ones.
On behalf of a grateful nation, we respectfully thank all Veterans for their service.
Honor is not a word,
but a way of life.
3 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Planning for the Future
VA has benefits designed to aid you and your family in preparing for the future. The documents
in this packet will help guide you and your loved ones as you plan, and ensure your survivors
know what benefits are available to them.
The following benefits are available to Veterans and their families:
Pre-Need Eligibility for Naonal Cemetery Burial or Memorializaon
VA provides for a final resting place for eligible Veterans, spouses, and their eligible
dependents, as well as a headstone or marker, a flag to drape the casket, and a Presidential
Memorial Certificate.
Memorial or Burial Flags
A United States flag is provided at no cost, to drape the casket or accompany the urn for
each family of an eligible deceased Veteran in the U. S. Armed Forces. U.S. Post Offices are
the primary issuing point for burial flags. Each family of a decedent is entitled to one flag.
Government Headstones or Markers
VA can provide a single headstone, columbarium niche cover, or a flat marker for a
Veteran’s final resting place (private, state, or national cemeteries).
Cemetery Medallions
VA can provide a medallion for use on a headstone or other memorial in a private cemetery
to signify a decedent’s status as Veteran. Multiple sizes are available.
Presidenal Memorial Cercates
VA can provide a Presidential Memorial Certificate (PMC) to the family of the deceased
Veteran. A PMC is an engraved paper certificate signed by the current President.
Burial Benets and Burial Automac Payments
Burial benefits are paid to a spouse, designated family member, or executor to partially
offset the cost of burial expenses, plot costs, and transportation costs for a Veteran’s
remains. These benefits are paid at different rates based on whether the Veteran’s death
was service-connected or non-service connected.
If the Veteran was receiving VA benefits prior to passing and had a spouse of record, these
benefits will usually be paid automatically to that spouse. However, if someone other than
the spouse paid for the burial and submitted an application, additional benefits, including a
plot or interment allowance and transportation allowance, may also be payable.
An application for non-service-connected burial benefits must be submitted within two
years from the date of death. There is no time limit for a service-connected death.
4 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Dependency and Indemnity Compensaon
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a monthly tax-free benefit provided to an
eligible surviving spouse, dependent child/children, and/or the parent/parents of a Service
member who died while on active duty, active duty for training, inactive duty training, or to
survivors of Veterans who died from service-connected disability/disabilities.
DIC benefits paid to surviving spouses and children are not income based. Parents DIC is an
income-based benefit for parents who were financially dependent on a Service member or
Veteran who died from a service-related cause.
On August 10, 2022, President Biden signed the Sergeant First Class (SFC) Heath Robinson
Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, also known as the
PACT Act, into law. This law increases eligibility for benefits by expanding lists of locations,
timeframes, and presumptive conditions related to toxic exposure(s) experienced by
Veterans. Survivors may qualify for expanded eligibility for Dependency and Indemnity
Compensation (DIC). Please see for additional information on the PACT Act.
Dependents’ Educaonal Assistance Program
The Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program offers education and training
opportunities to eligible dependents, including dependents of Veterans who are
permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition, dependents of Service
members who died during active military service, or dependents of Veterans who died as a
result of a service-related condition.
Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship
The Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship provides eligible beneficiaries
with financial support for tuition and fees, books and supplies, and housing. You may be
eligible for up to 36 months of Fry Scholarship benefits if you are the surviving spouse or
child of a Service member who died during active duty after September 10, 2001. If you are
the child of the Service member, you must use your benefits between your 18th and 33rd
birthdays, and you may still be eligible if you are married. If you are the surviving spouse
and you remarry, you will no longer be eligible.
The 15-year time limitation for using Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits is eliminated for qualifying
dependents (Fry children who became eligible on or after January 1, 2013, and all Fry
Survivors Pension
A tax-free monetary benefit payment to a low-income, un-remarried surviving spouse
and/or eligible unmarried child/children of a deceased wartime Veteran, whose death is not
service-related. Certain deductible expenses, such as an unreimbursed medical expense,
may be used to reduce the survivor’s countable income.
5 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Special Monthly Pension Benets
The Special Monthly Pension Benefits are additional funds allocated for certain survivors
who are eligible for VA pension benefits and require the aid and attendance of another
person, or are housebound, may be eligible for additional monetary payment. These
benefits are in addition to monthly pension, and they are not paid without eligibility to
The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Aairs
A program that provides reimbursement for some medical expenses to certain surviving
spouses or children of deceased Veterans, or spouses or children of Veterans with
permanent and total service-connected disabilities who are not eligible for TRICARE.
Home Loans
VA can help eligible unmarried surviving spouses (or those remarried after reaching age 57)
become homeowners. This benefit may be used to help you buy, build, refinance, repair,
and retain a home for your own personal occupancy. You must be in receipt of Dependency
and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and the surviving spouse of a Veteran who died: a) on
active or select reserve service, b) from a service-connected cause, or c) was rated totally
disabled for a certain period of time preceding death. Other surviving spouses include: a)
spouse of a Service member missing in action or a prisoner of war, and b) spouse of a
certain totally disabled Veteran whose disability may not have been the cause of death. For
more information visit the home loan web page
or call 1-877-827-3702.
Veterans Month of Death Benets
If a Veteran who is receiving VA compensation or pension benefits passes away, their last
month of benefits can be paid to their surviving spouse. This payment is usually automatic,
but if it is not received, it can be claimed via a phone call to 1-800-827-1000, or through
your Veterans Service Officer (VSO) or County Veterans Service Officer (CVSO).
For additional information regarding eligibility requirements see the Summary of VA
Dependents’ and Survivors’ Benefits
VA Life Insurance
As part of our mission to serve Service members, Veterans, and their families, VA provides
valuable life insurance benefits to give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your
family is protected. VA’s life insurance programs were developed to provide financial
security for your family given the extraordinary risks involved in military service.
VA has several different insurance programs. To get the insurance benefits you've earned,
6 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
explore your options, manage your policy, update your life insurance beneficiary
designation(s), or file claims, visit
Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife): Provides guaranteed acceptance whole life
coverage of up to $40,000 to Veterans with service-connected disabilities. No
medical underwriting is required and there is no time limit to apply for Veterans
aged 80 and under. Veterans aged 81 and over are eligible in some circumstances.
Under this plan, the elected coverage takes effect two years after enrollment as long
as premiums are paid during the two-year period. More information available at
Veterans’ Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI): Offers mortgage protection insurance to
the families of Service members and Veterans with severe service-connected
disabilities, who have received a specially-adapted housing grant from VA. VMLI
provides decreasing term insurance up to $200,000 or the amount you owe on your
mortgage, whichever is less. More information available at
Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI): Provides automatic maximum
coverage up to $500,000 in $50,000 increments. Coverage expires 120 days after
separation from service but can be extended with the SGLI Disability Extension
(SGLI-DE) for up to two years following separation if you are totally disabled. You
must apply for the SGLI-DE; it is not automatic. More information available at
Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI): allows separating Service members to
convert their SGLI coverage to renewable group term insurance. The initial amount
of VGLI available is equal to the amount of SGLI at separation but can be increased in
$25,000 increments beginning one year after enrollment, and then every five years
until you are 60 years old. No health questions are required if you apply within 240
days after separation. You have up to 1 year and 120 days after separation to apply
but must meet good health requirements if you apply more than 240 days after
separation. More information available at
Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI): Offers coverage for the
spouse and dependent children of Service members covered under full-time SGLI.
Spouse coverage is up to $100,000 or the amount of the member’s coverage,
whichever is less. Dependent children are covered for $10,000 each at no cost to the
member. Spouses who have Family SGLI coverage at the time of the Service
member’s passing have 120 days to apply to convert their coverage to a permanent
plan of insurance with a participating insurer. They can also convert their coverage
upon other key events such as the Service member’s separation from service. More
information available at
Under SGLI, FSGLI, and VGLI, terminally ill Service members, spouses of Service members, and
Veterans can obtain up to 50% of their insurance coverage prior to death if they have a medical
prognosis of 9 months or less to live.
7 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Beneciaries under the SGLI, FSGLI, and VGLI programs are eligible for free nancial counseling
and online will preparaon services for two years from the date of payment of the claim.
Informaon is provided to beneciaries at the me of payment.
8 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
What to Do, and When
Preparing for the passing of a loved one, or even oneself, can be a dicult and confusing me. The
following informs you of what you may need to do, and when, to ensure your survivors have the
informaon and documents needed to obtain the benets for which they may be entled.
For the Veteran, when discussing your nal wishes with your loved ones:
Discuss your military service and any VA disability rating information with your family and if
possible, locate copies of your military separation document(s), such as your DD214.
Use VA-Form 21-686C to document your and your spouse’s marital histories. This
information may be needed if your spouse applies for VA benefits after your passing.
Discuss your final wishes regarding your remains. If you wish to be buried in a national
cemetery, consider applying now for pre-need burial eligibility.
Discuss if any of the life insurance programs VA offers are needed to cover any of your or
your family's expenses.
Be sure to complete and annually review your life insurance beneficiary designation(s),
which will make it much easier to file a claim and receive benefits quickly.
For the Veteran’s family, as the Veteran is approaching end of life:
Speak to the Veteran’s doctor about how to obtain copies of medical records before and
after the Veteran’s passing in case they may be needed in the future.
Discuss with the Veteran where and when they have received treatment for any medical
conditions which you believe may have been incurred in, or exacerbated by, their military
If you believe the Veteran may be entering into their period of final illness, begin keeping a
record of any medical expenses related to that final illness.
If the Veteran wishes to be interred in a national cemetery, locate their pre-need burial
approval (if they applied), or clarify their wishes as to where they would like to be interred.
For the Veteran’s parents, spouse, or dependent children, aer the Veteran’s
Consider if you wish to apply for VA Survivors Pension or DIC.
If the Veteran had a VA Life Insurance policy, or other policy, prepare and submit a claim
required supporting documentation.
If you have a medical condition, disease, or injury which necessitates the aid and attendance
of another person in performing your activities of daily life, or are housebound, have your
physician complete a statement outlining your medical condition.
If you believe the Veteran’s death was related to a condition incurred during military
service, or exacerbated by military service, obtain copies of any private medical records
from the Veteran’s physician (VA hospital records and military medical records can be
obtained by VA).
9 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
How to Apply for Benefits
When applying for benefits there are basic forms that must be completed. The table below lists
the forms required to apply for various VA benefits, as well as the additional documents that
may be required to show eligibility. This booklet includes copies of the VA forms listed, so you
can familiarize yourself with them now. You can find current versions online at
If you wish to apply for pre-need
eligibility in a National Cemetery
VA Form 40-10007
Veteran’s Military Discharge
If you wish to apply for a Burial Flag
VA Form 27-2008
Veteran’s Military Discharge
If you wish to apply for a Government
VA Form 40-1330M
Veteran’s Military Discharge
If you wish to apply for a
VA Form 40-1330
Veteran’s Military Discharge
If you wish to apply for burial benefits
VA Form 21P-530EZ
Veteran’s Military Discharge
Death Certificate
Transportation Invoice
If you wish to apply for DIC benefits
for the Veteran’s surviving spouse,
VA Form 21P-534EZ
Veteran’s Military Discharge
Death Certificate
Declaration of Status of Dependents
(VA Form 21-686c)
If you wish to apply for DIC benefits
for the Veteran’s surviving
VA Form 21P-535
Veteran’s Military Discharge
Death Certificate
Declaration of Status of Dependents
(VA Form 21-686c)
If you wish to apply for DIC benefits
for the Veteran’s surviving spouse,
child/children as a result of combat-
related death
VA Form 21P-534a
Veteran’s Military Discharge
Death Certificate
Declaration of Status of Dependents
(VA Form 21-686c)
10 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
If you wish to apply for a Survivors
Pension *with aid and attendance or
housebound benefits
VA Form 21P-534EZ
Veteran’s Military Discharge
Death Certificate
*Examination for Housebound
Status or Permanent Need for Aid
and Assistance (VA Form 21-2680)
If you wish to apply for The Civilian
Health and Medical Program of the
Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Form 10-10d
Veteran’s Military Discharge
If you wish to apply for the:
- Dependents’ Educational
Assistance Program (DEA), or the
- Marine Gunnery Sergeant John
David Fry Scholarship Post-9/11
GI Bill
VA Form 22-5490
Veteran’s Military Discharge
If you wish to apply for a Home Loan
VA Form 26-1817
Veteran’s Military Discharge
If you wish to apply for any VA Life
Insurance programs*
Military or VA Disability rating
Military separation documents
Mortgage documents
If you wish to file a claim for VA Life
Insurance that is in effect upon the
Servicemember’s, Family Member’s,
or Veteran Insured’s passing.
SGLV 8283/ SGLV 8283A
SGLV 8284/ SGLV 8284A
SGLV 8721
VA Form 29-4125/
VA Form 29-4125e
Copy of death certificate
Estate or Will documentation
*For additional information or to apply for VA Life Insurance policy, visit
insurance/options-eligibility. All VA Life Insurance Forms can be accessed at To manage your SGLI beneficiaries as well as
SGLI and Family coverage amounts, visit
11 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
For Help with Your Benefits
Applying for VA benefits, especially at the time of the passing of a loved one, can be difficult
and confusing. However, several organizations exist to help you navigate this process, usually
cost-free. Here are a few places you can go for help with the claims process:
County Veterans Service Ocers
Most local governments in the United States have a designated County Veterans Service
Office or Agency, staffed by County Veterans Service Officers or (“CVSOs”). These officers
operate independent of VA, but receive VA training, and can act as liaisons between
claimants and VA. They are usually well versed in benefits eligibility requirements and claims
processing and are available to help you locally. To find your local CVSO, you can use the
directory found online at this URL:
Veterans Service Organizaons
Veterans Service Organizations (VSO) are private groups dedicated to providing Veterans
and their families with various services, including assistance with claims processing. These
groups can help you by representing you before VA and can assist you in completing your
claim. While these groups are not formally connected to the government or VA, they
receive VA accreditation and training, and do not charge for their services. To find a VSO,
you can use the directory found online at this URL:
U.S. Naonal Archives and Records Administraon (N A R A)
Veterans and next of kin can obtain free copies of a DD-214 and other service records. Fax
or mail Standard Form SF 180
(Request Pertaining to Military Records), to the address
indicated on the back of the form, or fill out the form online at this URL: You may also call NARA customer
service staff at 314-801-0800 if you have questions or require same-day service (e.g.,
upcoming surgery or funeral).
VA Contact Informaon
If you wish to speak directly to a VA representative, contact VA at the following phone
For burial, Survivors Pension, DIC, or other benefits: 1-800-827-1000
For the status of VA headstones and markers: 1-800-697-6947
For obtaining bereavement counseling: 1-877-927-8387
12 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
For Telecommunications Device for the Deaf services: Dial 711
For VA Life Insurance information related to Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance,
Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance, Family Servicemembers’ Group Life
Insurance, and Veterans’ Group Life Insurance: 1-800-419-1473 or visit
For VA Life Insurance, Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance or other VA Insurance
programs call: 1-800-669-8477 or visit
If you or somebody you know is experiencing a crisis, you can DIAL 9 8 8 for the Veteran’s
Crisis Line and select option 1.
13 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Record of Personal Affairs
The following is a guide to assist you in consolidating information that will be beneficial for your
loved ones at the time of your passing. This information is for your personal use only and should
NOT be submitted to VA.
Be sure to keep the following guide in a secure location, as it will contain personally identifiable
14 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Retired Military Grade
Branch of Service
Social Security Number
Street Address
Zip Code
Service Number
Date of Entry
Date/Type/Character of
Separation from Military
Date and Place of Birth
Parents Informaon
Father’s First Name
Father’s Middle Name
Father’s Last Name
Mother’s First Name
Mother’s Middle Name
Mother’s Last Name
Children’s Informaon
Child’s First Name
Child’s Middle Name
Child’s Last Name
Child’s First Name
Child’s Middle Name
Child’s Last Name
Child’s First Name
Child’s Middle Name
Child’s Last Name
Child’s First Name
Child’s Middle Name
Child’s Last Name
15 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Your Marital History
Spouse’s Name
Spouse’s Social Security Number
Spouse’s Birthdate
Location of Marriage (City/State/Country)
Date of Marriage
Spouse’s Prior Name (if applicable)
Date of Prior Marriage
Your Total Number of Marriages
Your Spouse’s Total Number of Marriages
Trusted Associates: List a personal lawyer or a trusted friend who may be consulted regarding
your personal or business aairs.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Street Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Locaon of Family Records: In the open space below, to aid your family, list the physical
locaon of important documentaon and records. Documents may include birth cercates,
adopon paperwork, marriage cercates, naturalizaon papers, divorce decrees, death
cercates, tax documents, etc.
16 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Your Will:
Do you have a will? Circle One: YES or NO
Location of
Executor’s Name and Contact Information
Lawyer’s Name and Contact Information
Power of Aorney: (Personal, not VA assigned)
Do you have a Power of Aorney? Circle One: YES or NO
Name of POA Location of Document
City/State/Zip Phone Number
Bank Accounts: In the open space below, list your bank accounts, including the name of the
nancial instuon, name of joint account holders, account numbers, and phone numbers.
Credit Cards: In the open space below, list your credit cards, including the
name and phone
Locaon of Important Financial Documents: In the open space below, list the locaon of
important nancial documents, including savings bonds, stocks, mutual funds, 401K, safe deposit
box, etc.
17 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Real Estate: If your family needs assistance with your home loan, they can contact VA at phone
number: 1-877-827-3702. You do not need a VA loan to request assistance.
Primary Residence (address)
Mortgage Institution (if applicable)
Property Insurance Company
Investment Properes: In the open space below, list any investment properes, including the
address and locaon of the deed/note.
Vehicles Owned: List the year, make, model and vehicle ID number (VIN) for each vehicle you
Life Insurance: Place a check mark beside the type/types of life insurance you have (check all
that apply).
Type of Insurance
Department of Veterans Affairs Sponsored Life Insurance
Government Employee (Federal Employee Group Life
Insurance FEGLI)
Private Employer Sponsored Life Insurance
Private Life Insurance
Insurance Company Name
Control/Policy Number
Face Value (Dollars)
18 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Beneciary Informaon:
Name of Beneficiary
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Payment Option
Other Insurance: In the open space below, list any addional health, vehicle, or other insurance you
Annuies: Government and private.
Payable to (full name)
Monthly Amount
Street Address (include City, State, Zip)
Phone Number
Employer Benets: If employed or rered, list any survivor benet that may be payable.
Survivor Benefit
Address (Include City, State, Zip)
Phone Number
Membership in Organizaons or Associaons: List any organizaons with which you are
aliated that may assist your survivors. Also list other Veteran Service Organizaons which may
be of assistance.
Veteran Aairs Record: Survivors should contact the VA at 1-800-827-1000 to report a death
and to disconnue benets.
VA Claim Number (if applicable)
19 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Social Security: Survivors should contact their local Social Security Administraon oce to see
if burial benets are available.
Social Security Monthly Payment
Location of Social Security Administration Papers
Rerement Pay: Civilian and/or Military
Finance Center
Current Deposit Location
Beneficiary or Any Unpaid Retired Pay
Phone Number
Military Documents:
Location of DD-214 (Separation Papers)
Location of Other Military Documents (Awards, Medical, etc.)
Military Survivor/Casualty Assistance Ocer: Acve and rered military personnel.
Name and Location
Funeral and Burial Arrangements:
Funeral Location
Funeral Director
Phone Number
Church, Clergy or Desired Ociant:
Clergyperson/Officiant Name
Name of Institution/Organization
For Those Who Wish to be Interred in a VA Naonal Cemetery:
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Rank/Branch of Service
Date of Entry into Service
Date of Separation
Service Number
20 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Have you applied for pre-need Eligibility? Visit to learn more.
Other Suggesons and Wishes: List in the space below.
Wishes for Burial and Funeral Service Arrangements:
Name of Resting Place
Hymns, Psalms, Scriptures, Poetry, or Special Requests
Flowers/ Memorial (in lieu of flowers)
Memorial and Remembrances
Do you have a pre-paid burial/plot? Circle One: YES or NO
Pallbearers: List pallbearers in the space below.
Special Instrucons: List any addional instrucons in the space below.
Obituary Biography: Write in the space below.
21 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Addional Consideraons: Please ensure the following are conducted through proper legal
Do you have a “do not resuscitate” (D N R) order? Circle One: YES or NO
Do you have a Living Will/ Health Directive? Circle One: YES or NO
Checklist of Important Documents
following documents may be
by survivors. Use the table below to check off the documents you have
and provide their location:
(write in location)
Military Discharge Documents
Death Certificate (12 copies recommended)
Deceased’s Birth Certificate
Spouse’s Birth Certificate
Minor or Adult Children’s Birth Certificate(s)
Marriage Certificate
Other Important Documents
List any other resources and organizaons that can assist you:
22 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Completing VA Forms
Applying for any VA benefit requires that you complete an application form, and possibly
additional forms. To ensure speedy and accurate processing of any claim for VA benefits, it
is very important to complete these forms correctly. The following pages contain sample
copies of some VA forms previously mentioned in this document; you can reference these
samples to see what a properly completed form may look like.
Tips on Completing VA Forms:
Complete every item on the form, even if your answer is “not applicable”,
“none”, or “0”. Incomplete applications are one of the major avoidable causes
of denials and delays in processing.
The person claiming benefits (the “claimant”; for instance, the surviving spouse
claiming death pension) must sign the form themselves. VA cannot recognize
private power-of-attorney agreements, and family members cannot sign
documents for other family members.
VA Forms are periodically updated. Current VA forms can be obtained at or at your local Veterans service office.
Visit to obtain forms
related to life insurance claims.
23 | Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivor and Burial Benets Kit
Application for DIC, Survivors Pension, and/or Accrued Benefits
Dependents’ Application for VA Education Benefits
Request for Determination of Loan Guaranty Eligibility Unmarried Surviving
Application for CHAMPVA Benefits
Application for Burial Benefits (Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 23)
State Application for Internment Allowance (Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 23)
Claim for Standard Government Headstone or Marker
Claim for Government Medallion for Placement in Private Cemetery
Application for United States Flag for Burial Purposes
Application for Pre-Need Determination of Eligibility for Burial in a VA
National Cemetery
SGLV 8283
Claim for Death Benefits (SGLI/VGLI)
SGLV 8284
Servicemember/Veteran Accelerated Benefits Option Form
SGLV 8721
Beneficiary Designation/Change Form
Designation of Beneficiary
Claim for One-Sum Payment
VA PAM 27-18-1
February 2024