Fill in the blanks
with correct
Adjective or Adverb
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Fill in the blanks with correct Adjective or Adverb
1. I do not find it difficult. It is an _______ game. (easy / easily)
2. You do not need my help. You can solve it _______ . (easy /
3. It is raining more _______ now. (heavy / heavily)
4. A _______ snow promises a good harvest. (heavy / heavily)
5. In the pandemic times, the prices of vegetables are _______
high. (abnormal / abnormally)
6. Scientists have identified the gene that causes _______
growth.(abnormal / abnormally)
7. The country was _______ damaged by the pandemic.
(terrible / terribly)
8. It is a _______ decision. (terrible / terribly)
9. Everyone is _______ here. (safe / safely)
10. By falling we learn to walk _______. (safe / safely)
11. Please be more _______ next time. (careful / carefully)
12. Please listen the class _______. (careful / carefully)
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The Key
1. I do not find it difficult. It is an easy game.
2. You do not need my help. You can solve it easily .
3. It is raining more heavily now.
4. A heavy snow promises a good harvest.
5. In the pandemic times, the prices of vegetables are
abnormally high.
6. Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal
7. The country was terribly damaged by the pandemic.
8. It is a terrible decision.
9. Everyone is safe here.
10. By falling we learn to walk safely.
11. Please be more careful next time.
12. Please listen the class carefully.