For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms, phrases, words, and their
derivatives shall have the meanings given in this Section. When consistent with the context,
words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the
singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word
"shall" is mandatory and "may" is permissive. Words not defined in this Section or in A.R.S.
§§ 40-201, et seq., shall be given their generally accepted meaning in the electric utility
"Agreement" means this Franchise Agreement;
"Board" means the Dispute Resolution Board;
"City" means the City of Tucson;
"Company" means Tucson Electric Power Company, a corporation organized and
existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Arizona, its successors, and assigns;
Council" means the Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson;
"Electric Service Provider" or “ESPmeans a company supplying, marketing, or
brokering at retail any competitive services pursuant to a certificate of convenience and
"Facility" or “Facilities means and includes, but is not limited to, electric works
of each and every voltage, systems, improvements, and equipment of the Company such as
electric substations, boxes, conduits, transformers, wires, cables (including but not limited to
fiber optic cable), poles, meters, electrical equipment, electric vehicle charging infrastructure
(including Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment or Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment
(“EVSE”) intended to be placed in the Right-of-way for use directly by vehicles) and all
necessary appurtenances thereto;
“Gateway Corridor Zone” means applicable rights-of-way and real properties
designated on the City’s Major Streets and Routes Plan pursuant to Article 5.5 of the City’s
Uniform Development Code, as may be amended.
"Member" means a member of the Utility Committee;
"Right-of-way" means the surface, the air space above the surface and the area
below the surface of any public streets, roadways, highways, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts,
places, curbs, sidewalks, public utility easements, or other public ways in the City which have
been or may hereafter be dedicated to or otherwise acquired by the City;
“Scenic Corridor Zone” means applicable rights-of-way and real properties
designated on the City’s Major Streets and Routes Plan pursuant to Article 5.3 of the City’s
Uniform Development Code, as may be amended.
“Transmission Line” means TEP Facilities operating at 115 kilovolts (kV) or
"Wire" is inclusive of, but not limited to, fiber optic cable, radio frequency (RF)
cable, electrical wire and telephone/data cable.
There is granted to the Company the right, privilege, and franchise to construct,
maintain, and operate upon, over, along, across, and under the present and future Right-of-
way of the City an electric transmission and distribution system together with all necessary
Facilities for the purpose of supplying electricity to the City, its successors, its inhabitants,
and all persons and corporations either within or beyond the limits thereof. This grant shall
extend to all Right-of-way as is now designated or may be designated in the future within the
corporate limits of the City and any part thereof or as now located or as they may be hereafter
altered or extended with the present or future limits of the City commonly or officially
designated in part as those set forth upon the City of Tucson Zoning Maps described in Section
1.4.2 of the City Unified Development Code as now in effect or hereafter amended. Nothing
contained in this Agreement shall be construed to authorize the Company to engage in
activities other than those authorized herein.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that Company wishes to provide EVSE
in any portion of the Right-of-way for use directly by any type of vehicle, Company shall
obtain prior written approval from the City. Such approval shall be subject to City regulation
and shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
The right to use and occupy the Right-of-way for the purposes set forth in this
Agreement is not and shall not be deemed an exclusive franchise. The City reserves the right
to itself to make or grant a similar use in the Right-of-way to any person, firm, or corporation.
This Agreement shall become effective on June 1, 2023, after approval by a majority
of the qualified electors residing within the corporate limits of the City and voting at a
municipal election called pursuant to Article 13, § 4 of the Arizona Constitution, A.RS. § 9-
501, et seq., and Chapter XVII of the City Charter to be held in the City on May 16, 2023 for
that purpose and shall continue until June 1, 2048. The Company shall file with the City, on
or before the approval of this Agreement by the Council, its execution of or written acceptance
of all terms, provisions, and conditions of, this Agreement.
Renegotiation. At Ten (10) and Fifteen (15) years after the date upon which
this Agreement becomes effective, or upon assignment of this Agreement pursuant to Section
25, the City or Company may request the renegotiation of the terms of the following sections:
9 (Office), 10(e) (Community Resilience Fee), 16 (Utility Planning and Coordination
Committee), 16.5 (Community Resilience Coordination Committee), 17 (Construction,
Maintenance, and Repair of Right-of- way), 20 (Permits and Licenses), and 21
(Undergrounding). If the City or Company refuses to enter into negotiations, the Company or
City may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of termination to the other party.
If the City or Company terminates this Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Agreement
shall end on the first anniversary date immediately subsequent to the notice of termination. If
the City and Company reach agreement on renegotiated provisions, the renegotiated
provisions shall become effective immediately upon acceptance by the Company and approval
by the Council.
Impasse. In the event the parties to this Agreement reach an impasse after
entering into good faith negotiations, the issue may be referred to the Board for resolution.
The recommendation of the Board is not binding on either party. If either party rejects the
recommendation of the Board, the City or Company may terminate this Agreement in
accordance with Subsection (a).
Effect of Termination. Should this Agreement be terminated pursuant to
Subsection (a) of this Section 5, Company and City agree to the following:
Company shall be allowed to continue to collect and use the Community
Resiliency Fee for any indebtedness incurred by Company pursuant to a resolution of
the Community Resilience Coordination Committee prior to said termination
(“Committee Resiliency Indebtedness”) until the indebtedness is satisfied or the 10
anniversary of the effective date of the Agreement, whichever shall come later;
This Section 5(c), Section 10(e) and Section 23 below shall survive the
termination of this Agreement until any Community Resiliency Indebtedness is
satisfied or the 25
anniversary of the effective date of this Agreement, whichever
shall come first.
Company shall continue to comply with all applicable laws, rules and
regulations for operating, maintaining, replacing or installing Facilities in, on, under
or over the Right-of-way, including acquiring required permits as necessary;
City and Company shall negotiate in good faith for a new franchise to
present to the voters of the City of Tucson pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-501;
Section 23 of the Agreement shall apply as if the Agreement was not
This Agreement shall extend to and include all those specific and particular streets,
avenues, alleys, highways, bridges, and other Rights-of-way within the limits of the City, and
any part thereof, either as now located and as they may be hereafter located, annexed, altered,
or extended within the present or future limits of the City.
Access Requirements. Except as provided by Subsection (b), entities other than
the City and Company may occupy or use the Company's Facilities only if:
the entity obtains the permission of the City and Company and pays all
appropriate fees to the City;
such use or occupation of the Facilities by the entity does not interfere
with the Company or City's use of the Facilities or the use of such Facilities by entities
holding a valid franchise from the City;
such use or occupation does not endanger public health or safety;
the entity indemnifies and holds the City and Company harmless for any
such use or occupation and, unless otherwise mandated by applicable law, the
Company incurs no additional expense in connection therewith; and
the entity agrees to relocate such use or occupation of Company’s
Facilities as described further in Section 7(c) below.
Access Allowed for Electric Service Providers. Subsection (a) does not apply
to Electric Service Providers holding a valid certificate of convenience and necessity from the
Arizona Corporation Commission and who use the Companys distribution system to deliver
electricity to customers in the City.
It is recognized and understood that, pursuant to legal mandates, certain utility
poles (“Occupied Pole(s)”) within the Right-of-Way contain both Facilities of the Company
and wires, cables and other appurtenant facilities (“Third Party Attachments”) of other entities
(“Attaching Entity(ies)”) that are not Company property. Company shall require that each
Attaching Entity maintain an agreement (a “Pole Attachment Agreement”) which shall
include an obligation of the Attaching Entity to relocate all Third Party Attachments of such
Attaching Entity within 60 days, or such other minimum time mandated by applicable law, of
Company’s request.
Company shall cooperate in good faith with the City to facilitate the prompt
relocation of
Third Party Attachments
and, within 10 business days of
completion of the
relocation of Company’s Facilities,
provide a request to each Attaching Entity to relocate
the Third Party Attachments. Upon completion of all work necessary to relocate its Facilities,
the Company shall provide notice to the City of such completion.
In lieu of enforcing the Pole
Attachment Agreement, Company has the right, but not the obligation, to transfer ownership of
and any interest in the Occupied Pole and assign the attendant Pole Attachment Agreement to the
City. City shall have no obligation to accept such transfer.
The Company, or any entity holding this Agreement or doing any business hereunder,
shall not issue any of its corporate stock on account of this grant. Any violation of the terms
of this Section shall, at the option of the City and upon the passage of appropriate ordinance
by the Council, operate as a forfeiture of this grant.
The Company shall maintain an office within the corporate limits of the City, provide
a toll free telephone number, and shall provide prompt, reasonable responses to customers'
service requests. The office must be sufficient in size and staffing to serve the needs of its
customers throughout its service territory. The Company shall provide a 24-hour toll free
telephone number for emergency use that is available seven (7) days a week.
As used herein, “Applicable Revenues” shall mean all amounts actually
received by Company from the retail sale and/or delivery by Company of electricity within
the present or any future corporate limits of the City customers and from the delivery of
electricity consumed by the City, whether inside or outside of its corporate limits, including
regulatory assessments but excluding sales tax, gross revenue tax and similar governmental
impositions and taxes.
Imposition of Franchise Fee. The Company, its successors and assigns for and
in consideration of the grant of this franchise shall pay to the City a sum equal to two and one
quarter percent (2.25%) of all Applicable Revenues of Company as shown by Company’s
billing records (the “Franchise Fee”). Except as otherwise stated in Section 11, the Franchise
Fee shall be in lieu of any and all fees, charges or exactions of any kind otherwise assessed
by the City in any way associated with Company’s use of the Right-of-way, including, but
not limited to, the construction or repair of Company’s facilities hereunder or for permits or
inspections thereof during the term of this franchise.
Payment of Franchise Fee. The Franchise Fee shall be paid by the Company to
the City in quarterly installments within thirty (30) days after the end of each quarterly period
(the “Quarterly Payments”). The first Quarterly Payment shall be due thirty (30) days after
September 30, 2023.
Public Benefits Fee.
Use of Franchise Fee. One-ninth (1/9) of the Quarterly Payments may
be used in accordance with Paragraph (2).
Use of Fee. The revenues described in Paragraph (1) may be
appropriated by the Council to be used as follows:
Low Income Assistance. To fund low-income energy assistance
programs such as weatherization, residential lifeline service, senior discount,
bill assistance, and rate discount programs.
Undergrounding. To pay the City's share of electric transmission
and distribution line undergrounding expenses incurred under Section 21.
Renewable Energy Incentives. To fund programs designed to
encourage the use of renewable energy.
Community Resilience Fee. In addition to the Franchise Fee, Company shall
collect an amount equal to 0.75% of all Applicable Revenues of the Company (the
Community Resilience Fee”) which shall be retained by the Company and disbursed by the
Company pursuant to Sections 10(e) and 16.5 herein for the purposes (the Community
Resilience Fee Purposes”) of (1) funding costs associated with the underground installation
of new Company Facilities or conversion to underground of existing Company Facilities
currently installed overhead and (2) projects that support the City’s implementation of the
City’s now current Climate Action and Adaptation Plan specifically including efforts to (i)
decarbonize City-owned and operated buildings and facilities, (ii) promote distributed energy
resources such as rooftop solar to provide local renewable energy and enhance energy
resilience, (iii) pursue additional local sources of renewable energy, including resource
recovery and heat exchange, (iv) promote electric vehicles via charging infrastructure
expansion, (v) transition public agency fleets to zero-emission and net-zero-emission vehicles,
(vi) establish accessible resilience hubs across all City Wards to provide information and
resources related to climate preparedness and response, (vii) bolster City-owned and
community-wide heat mitigation resources to reduce urban heat island effect and protect
vulnerable individuals and communities, (viii) deploy and maintain equitable nature-based
solutions that reduce or sequester emissions, improve ecosystem health, and bolster climate
resilience, and (ix) bolster community and regional networks to improve community-wide
emergency response and resource-sharing. For the first ten (10) years following the effective
date of this Agreement, the Community Resilience Fee shall be prioritized towards funding
costs associated with the underground installation of new Company Facilities. The
Community Resilience Fee shall be retained by the Company within an interest bearing trust
account and the fees so retained (the “Community Resilience Fund”) shall not be used for
any purpose other than the Community Resilience Fee Purposes, subject to the conditions of
Section 16.5 herein. The Community Resilience Fee shall be paid by the Company to the
Community Resilience Fund in quarterly installments within thirty (30) days after the end of
each quarterly period beginning thirty (30) days after September 30, 2023. Company and City
agree that the Community Resilience Fee is not intended to be a payment to the City and
should the Community Resilience Fee be determined to be a payment to the City by a court
of competent jurisdiction, this provision shall be considered null and void and City and
Company agree to renegotiate this Section 10(e) and any related provisions within 90 days of
such determination.
Lien. For the purpose of securing to the City the payments required to be made
under Section 10(b), the City shall have a lien and the same shall be charged upon all the
property, estate, and effects of the Company in any form, real, personal, or mixed. The City
may enforce this lien by civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction, but such lien shall
be subordinate to any mortgages or deeds of trust securing any bona fide indebtedness.
In General. The fees required by Section 10 shall not exempt the Company
from the payment of (i) general ad valorem property taxes; (ii) transaction privilege and use
tax as authorized by law and collected by Company for its retail sales to its customers within
the present and any future corporate limits of City; and (iii) other charges, taxes or fees
generally levied upon businesses by the City, provided said charge, tax or fee is a flat fee per
year and that the annual amount of such fee does not exceed the amount of similar fees paid
by any other businesses operated within the City. This section shall be interpreted as requiring
the Company to obtain a permit for construction only as required by applicable City Charter,
Code, or ordinance.
Public Utility Easements. The City may not impose any additional fees for the
Company's use of public utility easements because of such easements being a part of the
Right-of-way under this Agreement.
Existing and Future Infrastructure. The Company shall provide to the City,
within one (1) year following the effective date of this Agreement, a map of all Company
Facilities and all other significant features located within the Right-of-way. This map must be
in an electronic format. Upon completion of new or relocation construction of any
underground Facilities in the Right-of-way, the Company shall, within sixty (60) days after
the date of completion, provide the City with installation records showing the location of the
underground and above ground Facilities in an electronic format.
Transaction Data. The Company shall provide to the City Director of
Operations or the Director's designee, on a quarterly basis, a list of each customer class and
rate code as categorized by the Company for customers taking service within the corporate
limits of the City. The Company shall provide, on a quarterly basis, monthly and total sales
for each customer class by rate code with each fee payment. Breakdown of data shall be by
(1) monthly volumetric usage by customer class and rate code, (2) details of any exemptions,
(3) supporting worksheets, and (4) a count of customers, by customer class, who have
switched to direct access. If requested by the City, the Company shall provide the City with
data broken down into (1) the number of customers by class and rate code, (2) gross Company
revenue by customer class and rate code, and (3) monthly demand data by customer class and
rate code. The City may not request such data more than once every twelve (12) months.
Audit Requirements.
Record Requirements. The Company shall keep and maintain complete
and accurate books and records of its business and operations for the purpose of
ensuring compliance with this Agreement.
Inspection of Records. For the purpose of verifying all amounts payable
pursuant to this Agreement and verifying the Facilities within the City’s Right-of-Way,
the books and records of the Company shall be subject to inspection by duly authorized
officers or representatives of the City at reasonable times no more frequently than at
the close of each quarterly period. City and Company agree to confer regarding any
alleged or reported discrepancies or irregularities in Company procedures or activities
relating to data submitted pursuant to this Section. Company shall provide responses
to inquiries made by the City within a reasonable amount of time.
Information Required by Other Regulatory Agencies. Upon written request by
the City, the Company shall provide at the City’s expense copies of any and all reports, data,
and any other type of information which the Company is required to submit to any other
governmental or quasi-governmental body, including, but not limited to, the United States of
America, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the State of Arizona, and the Arizona
Corporation Commission. Reports, data, and any other types of information filed
confidentially and not available to the public do not have to be submitted to the City.
City Energy Usage. Upon written request by the City, the Company shall
provide to the City all information it maintains with respect to energy usage by the City at
each location in which electricity is delivered to a City owned or maintained location. Such
information may be requested only once every twelve (12) months and shall be provided at
the cost set by the Company's billing tariff as approved by the Arizona Corporation
To the extent that technology exists or develops that increases the availability
of or the ability to use any or all of the aforementioned information via electronic transfer,
City and Company to make reasonable efforts to increase City’s ability to make use of such
technology or technologies.
Service Outage Map. On an annual basis, the Company shall provide to the
City a report of all service outages that last for longer than one (1) hour, technical upgrades
made to its distribution system, and efforts made to improve the reliability of the distribution
Reporting and Access. The Company shall report in advance to the City any
plans to include technological advances relating to communications systems, such as fiber
optics, which may utilize Facilities already in place for the transmission of communication
signals, which Facilities may be installed by the Company for its use, the use of the City, or
for use of others as the Company may license. The City may use said Facilities if it reaches a
prior agreement with the Company regarding consideration for the use of said Facilities. In
no event shall the City's use impair the Company's ability to use its own Facilities. Upon
request of the City, the Company will provide a detailed report for the use of such
communications systems subject to protecting confidential information. Nothing contained
herein shall be construed to authorize the Company to engage in communications activities
for sale or lease nor shall this Agreement be construed as a franchise or license for said
telecommunications activities within the City.
Company Equipment and Staff Requirements. The Company shall maintain
equipment and staff capable of providing timely emergency repairs and restoration of service
in case of power outages and other events which may present a danger to public safety or
Joint Emergency Procedures. The Company shall cooperate with the City in
developing joint standard operating procedures for emergencies requiring the response of City
departments, such as Police and Fire, and the Company.
The Company shall provide information to its customers necessary for interconnection
of distributed generation with its distribution system. The Company must allow such
connections to its distribution system. The Company shall not impose any requirements,
standards, or tests on any grid-interconnected system exceeding applicable regulatory
standards or legal requirements.
Establishment. There shall be established a Utility Planning and Coordination
Committee (“Utility Committee”) composed of appropriate personnel of the Company to be
designated by the Company, and the City Engineer, the City Planning Director, or their
designee, and any other appropriately qualified personnel of the City which may be designated
by the City. Membership on the Committee may also include representatives from any other
utility or governmental agency providing utility service deemed by the City to be appropriate
for fulfilling the Committee's duties and purposes. Such other utilities or governments
providing utility service shall be participating Members in all respects except for participation
in the official reports and recommendations of the Committee under this Agreement as
described in Subsection (b).
Reports. The Utility Committee shall submit to the Council such official reports
and recommendations as are specifically provided for in this Section and such other reports
and recommendations as the City and Company may from time to time mutually determine to
be appropriate. Any such official report or recommendation shall be by mutual agreement of
both the City's and Company's representatives on the Committee. In the absence of mutual
agreement, the Committee may submit for the consideration of the Council a summary report
setting forth the various views of the Members relative to the particular matter, but such
summary report shall not have the weight of an official report or recommendation of the
Utility Committee as a whole.
Purposes. The purposes of the Utility Committee shall be to:
provide coordination between the Company and the City in the
expansion, maintenance, or relocation of the utility system of any of the Members and other
existing or permitted activities within or uses of the City's Right-of-way.
insure that long-range planning of the Members and the City on the
extension of utility services maximizes the efficient and orderly expansion of the utility
system and minimizes the impact upon the infrastructure of other users of the Right-of-way.
insure that the Members' and the City's utility systems are expanded and
modified in the public interest, avoiding undue cost burdens upon customers and taxpayers,
that such expansions and modifications are coordinated in a manner to avoid arbitrary or
reasonably avoidable interference with the City's planned uses of its Right-of-way, or with
utility systems of others, and that environmental consequences have been considered.
minimize costs associated with growth or changes to the Members' utility
systems and the City's infrastructure occasioned by changes, relocations, or other
modifications in those systems which presently affect existing utility systems of the Members
and the City.
develop joint emergency procedures.
coordinate efforts to provide to the City location information of
Members' utility systems within the Right-of-way in an electronic format compatible with the
City's GIS system for recording utility system locations.
Submission of Plans. All proposed changes in a Member's utility system within
the corporate limits of the City shall be submitted to the Utility Committee thirty (30) days
before a Member's commencing construction on any such project. Changes submitted to the
Utility Committee shall be new transmission or distribution lines operating at 46 (forty-six)
kV or greater, relocation or increase in capacity of existing electric distribution Facilities of
any size from rear lot lines or alleys to other Rights-of-way, or extensions of transmission or
distribution Facilities in excess of one-quarter (1/4) mile within any Right-of-way, and, on the
City's part, any extensions of City water lines or other municipal utility systems which would
cause relocation of a Member's utility system. The Utility Committee shall meet and review
any changes proposed by a Member in its utility system or proposed by the City in its water
system within the corporate limits of the City and, should appropriate governmental action be
deemed advisable, submit a recommendation of such action to the Council. In the event that
any Member's submission results in the delay of service to a customer otherwise entitled to
service, the extension may be completed and submitted for review at the next regular meeting
of the Utility Committee.
Growth Report. The Utility Committee shall, at the request of the City, prepare
and present to the Council an official report and analysis of the projected growth of the City
relating to future utility requirements, taking into account such factors as present and proposed
zoning, public building projects, annexation programs, public streets, highways and
transportation plans, building codes, and economic development trends and objectives. This
analysis shall be designed to project the general location and capacity requirements of the
Members within the City for generation, transmission, and substation Facilities for electric
power and such major municipal utility projects as may be required by the City or other
utilities serving within the City. This analysis and projection shall address periods of five (5)
years and ten (10) years, shall be reviewed and updated on a periodic basis by the Utility
Committee, and shall be submitted to the Council for review.
Meetings. The Utility Committee shall endeavor to meet at least once a month
or as often as necessary as determined by the Members.
Exception. Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to prohibit the
Company from going forward with any activity that is otherwise in conformance with the
orders, rules, and regulations of the Arizona Corporation Commission and other applicable
legal requirements.
(a) Establishment. There shall be established a Community Resilience
Coordination Committee (“Community Resilience Committee”) of five members composed
of two members from the City, two members from the Company, and one member from either
the City, the Company or a third party to be approved by the City and Company.
(b) Purposes. The purposes (“Community Resilience Committee Purposes”) of the
Community Resilience Committee shall be to:
1. establish committee governance documents and rules as may be
necessary to carry out the Community Resilience Committee Purposes;
2. provide coordination between the Company and the City with respect to
requirements and cost obligations for the underground installation of new Facilities that are
required by applicable law to be constructed underground, or the conversion of aerial
Facilities to underground installation;
3. support the long-range planning of the Company and the City for
electricity services and promote the efficient and orderly expansion of Company Facilities
within the Right-of-Way to serve the City and its residents, while minimizing the impact upon
the overall aesthetic character of the City of Tucson’s natural resources and built environment,
as well as minimizing the impact upon Company ratepayers and City taxpayers of costs for
such Facilities within the Right-of-Way;
4. support the installation of Company Facilities within the Right-of-Way
in a manner that is consistent with applicable law and regulations and the voter-approved
General Plan and are coordinated in a manner that creates certainty for both the Company and
City concerning underground or overhead construction of Facilities in the Right-of-way;
5. pass resolutions upon the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the members
of the Community Resilience Committee directing the Company to use the Community
Resilience Fund towards the Community Resilience Fee Purposes except where such purpose
is undergrounding required pursuant to Section 21.
(c) Role of Community Resilience Committee and City in Transmission Line
Siting. All siting of a Company Transmission Line shall be subject to applicable legal and
regulatory requirements, including A.R.S. §§ 40-360, et seq. Pursuant to such legal and
regulatory requirements, the Company shall comply with all public outreach obligations
which shall include the opportunity for the City to participate. The Community Resilience
Committee shall be consulted to the extent that a particular Transmission Line is to be sited
within a Gateway Corridor Zone or Scenic Corridor Zone. The Committee shall have the
authority to propose recommendations to the City and the Company about the location of a
Transmission Line within a Gateway Corridor Zone or Scenic Corridor Zone, which may
include recommendations about the desirability of undergrounding a particular segment of a
Transmission Line within a Gateway Corridor Zone or Scenic Corridor Zone,
recommendations about locating the Transmission Line outside of a Gateway Corridor Zone
or Scenic Corridor Zone, and the availability of funding from the Community Resilience Fund
that may be used towards undergrounding efforts within a Gateway Corridor Zone or Scenic
Corridor Zone. This Section shall not supersede any local, state or federal law or regulation
as to the requirements for undergrounding Facilities within the Right-of-way.
(d) Use of Community Resilience Fund. The Community Resilience Fund shall
only be used towards the Community Resilience Fee Purposes, and for no other use. The
Community Resilience Fund shall not be accessed by either the City or Company except
pursuant to a resolution of the Community Resilience Committee that states with specificity
the amount of the Community Resilience Fund that is to be used for the specific Community
Resilience Fee Purpose. In determining the amount of Community Resilience Fund to provide
to any given project, the Community Resilience Committee may consider all of the following:
1) the balance of the Community Resilience Fund not otherwise allocated to a project, 2) the
availability of any alternative or additional funding sources; 3) City’s General Plan and any
applicable Specific Plans; 4) City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, 5) any impacts to
ratepayers and/or taxpayers; 6) alternative designs, if any, and 7) impacts of planned or
possible Facilities to be placed in the Right-of-way on City’s natural resources and built
(e) Cooperation. City and Company shall cooperate with the Community
Resilience Committee as necessary to provide information and data necessary to carry out
the Community Resilience Committee Purposes;
(f) Community Resilience Fund Report. The Committee shall, at the request of
the City, prepare and present to the Mayor and Council an official report and analysis of
projects considered by the Community Resilience Committee, together with an accounting
of the Community Resilience Fund.
(g) Meetings. The Community Resilience Committee shall meet as often as
necessary as determined by the Community Resilience Committee.
(h) Exception. Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to prohibit the
Company or City from going forward with any activity that is otherwise in conformance with
the orders, rules, and regulations of the Arizona Corporation Commission and other applicable
local, state and federal legal requirements.
Interference with Public Uses. The Facilities to be constructed, installed,
operated or maintained hereunder, shall be so located or relocated as to interfere as little as
reasonably possible with traffic or other authorized uses of the Right-of-way, including that
of other utilities, over, under, or through the Right-of-way. Those phases of construction
relating to traffic control, back-filling, compaction, and paving, as well as the location or
relocation of said Facilities shall be subject to regulation by the City provided that such
regulation is not inconsistent with applicable local, state or federal law.
Repair of the Right-of-way. If, in the installation, use, or maintenance of its
Facilities, the Company damages or disturbs the surface or subsurface of any public road or
adjoining public property of the public improvement located thereon, therein, or thereunder,
the Company shall promptly, at its own expense and in a manner reasonably acceptable to the
City, restore the surface or subsurface of the public road or public property or repair or replace
the public improvement thereon, therein, or thereunder in as good a condition as before such
damage or disturbance. If such restoration, repair, or replacement of the surface, subsurface,
or any structure located thereon, therein, or thereunder is not completed within a reasonable
time after written notification by the City of any concern with the Company’s performance,
or such repair or replacement does not meet the City's lawfully adopted standards and the
Company fails to correct within thirty (30) days after written notification by the City of such
deficiency, the City shall have the right to perform the necessary restoration, repair, or
replacement either through its own forces or through a hired contractor, provided that such
forces or contractor is qualified to perform work near the applicable Facilities, and the
Company shall reimburse the City for its expenses in so doing within thirty (30) days after its
receipt of the City's invoice.
Construction Delay Costs. The Company shall promptly repair and restore any
property, street, alley, parkway, bridge, or public place in which the Company has performed
any construction activity within a time period designated in the written notice to the Company.
If, after the Company certifies to the City that its Facilities are no longer in conflict with a
public project, the City discovers the Company's Facilities in the Right-of-way are still in
conflict and so delays the project's construction causing the City to incur damages due to such
delay, the Company shall reimburse the City for those damages attributable to the delay
created by the conflict.
City Notification of Delay. If the City becomes aware of a potential delay
involving the Company's Facilities, the City shall promptly notify the Company of this
potential delay and offer the Company thirty (30) consecutive days to respond to such
Relocation Requirement. Whenever the City shall, for a lawful purpose, require
the relocation or reinstallation of any Facility of the Company or its successors in any of the
Rights-of-way or public property of the City, the Company shall, upon notice of such
requirement and within a reasonable amount of time, commence work to remove and relocate
or reinstall such Facilities as may be reasonably necessary to meet the requirements of the
City. The Company shall pay the costs of any such relocation or reinstallation unless it can
demonstrate to the City that its Facilities were lawfully installed therein prior to the
conveyance, dedication, or other transfer by any party of the Right-of-way to the public or to
the City. For the purposes of this Section, the acquisition of Right-of-way by the City from
another governmental entity shall not entitle the Company to reimbursement from the City for
relocation or reinstallation unless the Company can demonstrate to the City that the
Company's Facilities were lawfully installed therein prior to the conveyance, dedication, or
other transfer by any party of the Right-of-way to the other governmental entity. Any money
and all rights to reimbursement from the State of Arizona or the federal government to which
the Company may be entitled for work done by the Company pursuant to this Section shall be
the property of the Company. The City shall assign or otherwise transfer to the Company all
rights it may have to recover costs for such work performed by the Company and shall
reasonably cooperate with the Company's efforts to obtain reimbursement. Reimbursement to
Company under this Section shall not include upgrades or improvements of Company’s
Facilities as they existed prior to relocation.
Discovery of Conflicts. If, during the design or construction for public
improvements, the City discovers a potential conflict with proposed construction, the
Company shall locate and, if necessary, expose its Facilities in conflict. The City shall make
every reasonable effort to design and construct projects to avoid or minimize relocation
expense to the Company. The Company agrees to furnish the location information within a
time frame determined by the Utility Committee or, in the absence of such a determination, a
reasonable amount of time from the date of the discovery of the potential conflict. For
avoidance of doubt, the timeframes for marking underground facilities in A.R.S. § 40-360.22
shall be presumed to be reasonable to furnish the location information described in this
Company Obligations if Conflict Exists. If, during the course of a project, the
City determines that the Company's Facilities are in conflict the following shall apply:
Prior to City's Notice to Proceed to its Contractor. The Company shall,
within a reasonable time after receiving written notice from the City, remove or relocate the
conflicting Facility.
After City's Notice to Proceed to its Contractor. The City and Company
shall immediately begin the coordination necessary to remove or relocate the Facility. Actual
construction of such removal or relocation shall begin within a reasonable amount of time
after written notification from the City to the Company of the conflict.
Prior Right of City. The City reserves the prior and superior right to lay,
construct, erect, install, use, operate, repair, replace, remove, relocate, regrade, widen, realign,
or maintain any street and public ways, aerial, surface, or subsurface improvement for all
public purposes, including but not limited to water mains, traffic control conduits, cable and
device, storm sewers, subways, tunnels, bridges, viaducts, or any other public construction
within the Rights-of-way of the City. The Company shall move its Facilities, consistent with
Subsection (a), that are located in the Right-of- way at its own cost to such a location as the
City directs.
Relocation of Non-Company Systems. Consistent with the limitations of
Subsection (a), if a conflict exists between the Company's future or existing Facilities and
future or existing City utility or communication systems, or non-City utility systems
occupying the Right-of-way under authority of a City permit, franchise, or license, the City
shall not bear the cost of relocating such City systems or non-City systems, regardless of the
function served, where such systems must be relocated and the conflict between the
Company's potential Facilities and existing Facilities can only be resolved by the movement
of the existing City or permittee systems.
If City construction projects require design modifications as a direct result of the
Company's Facilities in the Right-of-way, the City and Company shall make reasonable
efforts, including design modification if practicable, to avoid conflicts with Company
Facilities. The Company shall pay for any increased construction or redesign costs caused by
such modification unless the location of Company’s Facilities within the Right-of-way
reasonably should have been known by the City prior to project design, was not factored into
such design by the City, and there exists a suitable alternative design that meets the City’s
objectives which would not conflict with Company’s Facilities, in which instance the costs of
such design modification shall be borne by the City. Such modifications may be made only in
the event the City and Company determine that modification of the project is more feasible
than relocation of the Facility.
Permit Requirement. The Company shall, when required by applicable City
Charter, Code, or ordinance, obtain a permit and pay all applicable fees prior to removing,
relocating, or reconstructing, if necessary, any portion of its Facilities in the Right-of-way.
Whenever the Company causes any opening or alteration to be made for any purpose in any
Right-of-way, the work shall be completed within a reasonable time and the Company shall,
consistent with the requirements of applicable City Charter, Code, or ordinance, without
expense to the City, and upon the completion of such work, restore the property disturbed in
a manner consistent with the City's duly adopted standards or as required by its permit which
may incorporate special standards when required for City purposes. Pursuant to applicable
City Charter, Code, or ordinance, the City shall issue such permit to the Company on such
conditions as are reasonable and necessary, and not inconsistent with applicable local, state
and federal law and regulation, to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and any other applicable ordinance or rule or regulation of the City.
In General. Subject to Subsection (c), in any area where the Company is not
required, pursuant to federal, State, or local law or agreement, to place its Facilities
underground, in any new construction or relocation of aerial transmission or distribution lines,
the City may require the Company to place such lines underground if the City pays the
difference between the cost of placing such lines underground and the cost of placing them
City Projects. In the design and construction of any City project, the Company
shall, at the City's option, relocate existing aerial lines underground. The Company shall
provide to the City a design and an itemized cost estimate for such undergrounding. Subject
to Subsection (c), the City shall pay all costs associated with the undergrounding required by
this Subsection except for the Company's electrical engineering costs for design and cost
estimate for such undergrounding.
Exception to Undergrounding. The Company shall be required to place new
aerial transmission or distribution lines underground pursuant to this Section only when such
placement is feasible for technical or system reasons. Such reasons cannot include the
monetary cost of the proposed undergrounding project.
Joint Use of Trenches. In the construction of new underground Facilities or the
relocation of existing aerial Facilities underground, the Company shall notify all Members of
the Utility Committee within a reasonable amount of time prior to construction. Any Member
of the Utility Committee shall be permitted to co-locate its utility system, lawfully permitted
in the Right-of-way, in the proposed underground location upon such reasonable terms and
conditions as the Company may require so long as such co-location does not interfere with
Company’s Facilities or use of the Right-of-way.
Moratorium on Relocations. If the Company undergrounds Facilities pursuant
to the provisions of Section 16.5, Section 18 or Section 21, then the Company shall not be
required to pay any cost for relocating such line for a period of ten (10) years after completion
of such undergrounding.
In General. The Company shall, without cost to the City, allow the use by the
City of space in excess of the Company's existing or projected requirements upon its Facilities
for Wires for fire alarm, police, and communications purposes of the City. The Company shall
furnish, string on the available space on its poles, and maintain all Wires and fixtures
necessary for fire alarm, police, and communication purposes of the City that are located on
Company Facilities. The City shall pay the Company's actual cost for providing such access
to Company’s Facilities, including the furnishing, stringing and maintaining of City Wires
and fixtures, as described in this Section.
City Access to Company Underground Facilities. Whenever the Company
proposes to install new underground conduits or replace existing underground conduits within
or under the Right-of-way, it shall notify the City as soon as reasonable prior to such
construction and shall allow the City, at its own expense and without charge to the Company,
to share the trench of the Company to lay its own conduit. The City's access may not
unreasonably interfere with the Company's Facilities, the utility systems of other entities
lawfully permitted in the Right-of-way, or delay the accomplishment of the project.
Excess Capacity. If requested by the City under Subsections (a) and (b), the
design of any new or upgraded infrastructure of the Company shall provide for capacity
dedicated for City use. The City shall pay all costs of design, construction, and maintenance
of such infrastructure associated with such additional capacity.
Indemnification. The City shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company, its
officers, employees, agents, and servants against and from any and all claims, demands,
causes of action, suits, proceedings, regardless of the merits of the same, damages, including
damages to Company property, liability, and costs or expenses of every type, all or any part
thereof which arises by reason of any injury to any person or persons, including death, or
property damage, resulting from the gross negligence of the City, its officers, boards,
commissions, agents, employees, and servants which may be occasioned by the use set forth
in this Section or while performing any functions in proximity with the Company's operations
under this Agreement except to the extent caused by Company's negligence.
If this Agreement is not renewed prior to the expiration of its term and the City has not
purchased or condemned the Facilities, the Company and the City agree to abide by the terms
of this Agreement for one (1) year after such expiration or until a new agreement is reached,
whichever occurs first.
When the Company abandons any of its Facilities and records such abandonment
pursuant to A.RS. § 40-360.30(A), it shall notify the City of such abandonment. Abandoned
Facilities shall be removed from the Right-of-way to the satisfaction of the City at Company's
cost unless permitted by the City to be left in place in such manner as the City may prescribe.
The Company shall, to the satisfaction of and without cost or expense to the City, promptly
remove such Facilities. All City property affected by such removal shall be repaired and
restored by the Company consistent with the provisions of this Agreement upon written notice
from the City. Any such Facilities which are not removed within one hundred twenty (120)
days of either the date of abandonment or of the date the City issues a permit authorizing
removal, whichever is later, shall automatically incur charges to be determined by the City.
For the purposes of this Section, "abandoned" has the same meaning as that term has in A.R.S.
§ 40-360.21(1).
Assignment Requirements. The right, privilege, or franchise granted by this
Agreement shall not be leased, assigned, or otherwise alienated without the express consent
of the City evidenced by an ordinance or resolution passed by the Council. The Company
shall provide not less than ninety (90) days' notice to the City prior to any such assignment.
No dealing with the lessee or its assigns on the part of the City to require the performance of
any act or payment of any compensation by the lessee or his assigns shall be deemed to operate
as such consent. Any assignment shall become effective upon the passage of an ordinance or
resolution by the City and written acceptance of this Agreement and any renegotiated terms
by the successor.
City Consent Provided. The consent of the City is given to the Company to
subject this grant and any property constructed or operated under it to any present or future
mortgage or other charge incurred by the Company in the ordinary course of business solely
for the purpose of securing bonds, notes, or other obligations of the Company. A mortgagee,
creditor, or trustee may exercise its rights under any such mortgage or charge without further
consent of the City and may purchase at judicial, trustee's, or other involuntary sale and may
own and exercise this Agreement and the rights granted by it, but shall be equally subject,
with the Company, to the duties and obligations imposed by this Agreement.
As required by the City Charter, the City expressly reserves to itself, subject to the
limitations of the Constitution and laws of Arizona, the right, whether in terms reserved or
not, to make all regulations which shall be necessary to secure, in the most ample manner, the
safety, welfare and accommodation of the public, including, among other things, the right to
pass and enforce ordinances to require proper and adequate extensions of the service of such
grant, to protect the public from danger or inconvenience in the operation of any work or
business authorized by this Agreement, and to make and enforce all such regulations as shall
be reasonably necessary to secure adequate, sufficient, and proper service, extensions, and
accommodations for the people and ensure their comfort and convenience. The City, subject
to the limitations of the Constitution and laws of Arizona, shall have full power to enforce, by
forfeiture or otherwise, compliance by the Company with all of the terms and conditions of
this Agreement for the effective security of efficient service or for the continued maintenance
of the property of the Company in good condition and repair throughout the term of this
In General. If a dispute exists regarding an obligation of the City or Company
under this Agreement and the matter cannot be resolved through the mutual agreement of the
parties, such controversy may be, but need not be submitted to arbitration. The arbitration
procedures described in A.RS. § 12-1501, et seq. (Uniform Arbitration Act), shall be followed
to the extent they do not conflict with the provisions of this Section.
Dispute Resolution Board. All disputes regarding an obligation of the Company
or City under this Agreement may be submitted to a Dispute Resolution Board. The Board
shall consist of one member selected by the City, one member selected by the Company, and
a third person agreed upon by both parties. The person agreed upon by both parties shall be
chairperson of the Board. The City and the Company shall share expenses for the Board
Decisions of the Board. The Board shall hear disputes promptly and render an
opinion as soon as possible but in no event later than sixty (60) days after the Board has
concluded the arbitration proceedings. Decisions of the Board are not binding on the City or
the Company.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. There have been no
representations made other than those contained in this Agreement or any exhibits.
In General. Except as provided in Subsection (b), if any provision of this
Agreement is adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of
this Agreement as a whole or any part of the provisions hereof other than the part so adjudged
to be invalid or unconstitutional.
Exception. If any part of Section 10 is adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, this
entire Agreement will be deemed to be invalid and without effect.
Indemnification. Except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or willful
misconduct of the City, the Company shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City
from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, proceedings, loss, cost, and damages of every
kind and description, including any reasonable attorney's fees and/or litigation expenses,
which may be brought or made against or by any person, caused by, arising out of, or
contributed to, in part, by reasons of any act, omission, professional error, fault, mistake, or
negligence of the Company, its employees, agents, representatives, or affiliates, their
employees, agents, or representatives in connection with or incidental to the performance of
this Agreement, or arising out of worker's compensation claims, unemployment compensation
claims, or unemployment disability compensation claims of employees of the Company
and/or its affiliates or claims under similar such laws or obligations.
Insurance. The Company shall maintain throughout the term of this Agreement
liability insurance to adequately insure and/or protect the legal liability of the Company with
respect to the installation, operation, and maintenance of its Facilities together with all the
necessary and desirable appurtenances authorized by this Agreement to occupy the Right-of-
way. Such insurance program will provide protection for bodily injury and property damage
including contractual liability and legal liability for damages arising from the operation by the
Company of its Facilities. Such insurance program shall comply with the insurance
requirements of the City Risk Manager. The Company shall file with the City documentation
of such liability insurance program within sixty (60) days following the effective date of this
Agreement and thereafter upon request of the City. Failure to file such documentation shall
render this Agreement voidable at the option of the City. The policy limits or any insurance
maintained in compliance with this Section shall not limit the Company's indemnification
requirements under Subsection (a).
The Company shall not be deemed to be in violation of this Agreement for the delay of
performance or failure to perform in whole or in part its obligations under this Agreement due
to strike, war or act of war (whether an actual declaration is made or not), insurrection, riot,
act of public enemy, fire, flood, act of God, or by other events to the extent that such events
are caused by circumstances beyond the Company's control and are not caused by negligence
on the part of the Company or any person acting on its behalf. In the event that the delay in
performance or failure to perform affects only part of the Company's capacity to perform its
obligations under this Agreement, the Company shall perform such obligations to the extent
it is able to do so in as expeditious a manner as possible. The Company shall promptly notify
the City in writing of an event covered by this Section and the date, nature, and cause of the
event. The Company, in such notice, shall indicate the anticipated extent of such delay and
the obligations under this Agreement that will or may be affected by the delay or failure to
The Company and its affiliates shall adhere to a policy of equal employment
opportunity and demonstrate an affirmative effort to recruit, hire, promote, and upgrade the
position of employees regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, age, physical handicap,
national origin, sexual or affectional preferences, or marital status.
This Agreement shall be submitted to be voted upon by the qualified electors residing
within the corporate limits of the City at a general or special municipal election of the City to
be held for that purpose. Before calling any such election, the estimated expenses of the
election, to be determined by the Council, shall be first deposited by the Company for such
franchise with the City Clerk.
Any notice required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing, unless
otherwise expressly permitted or required, and shall be deemed effective either (i) upon hand
delivery to the person then holding the office shown on the attention line of the address below,
or, if such office is vacant or no longer exists, to a person holding a comparable office, or (ii)
on the third business day following its deposit with the United States Postal Service, first class
and certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as
To City:
City of Tucson
Attn: City Manager
255 W. Alameda
Tucson, AZ 85701
Copy to:
City of Tucson
Attn: Utility Coordinator
Department of Transportation and Mobility
201 N. Stone Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701
To Company:
Tucson Electric Power Company
Attn: Manager, Land Resources
88 E. Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85701
Copy to:
Tucson Electric Power Company
Attn: General Counsel
88 E. Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85701
The Company shall maintain within the City throughout the term of this Agreement an
address for service of notices from the City by mail and a local office and telephone number
for the conduct of matters relating to this Agreement during normal business hours. The
Company shall provide to the City, within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this
Agreement, the name, position, and address of the individual who is designated by the
Company to receive notices from the City pursuant to or concerning this Agreement.
PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Council of City of Tucson,
Arizona, on this ____ day of _______________, 2023.
The Honorable Regina Romero, Mayor
City of Tucson, Arizona
Suzanne Mesich
City Clerk
Mike Rankin
Attorney for City of Tucson
Tucson Electric Power Company Date
By: Orrin Terryl Nay, Vice President