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Maryland Health-General Code Annotated, §21-321 and Annotated Code of Maryland (COMAR), requires that properly prepared plans be submitted and approved, before a person
constructs a food establishment, remodels or alters a food establishment, or converts or remodels an
existing building for use as a food establishment. A plan review is required to:
Ensure food establishments are built or renovated according to current rules and
Enhance food safety and sanitation by promoting efficient layout and flow of
food based on the menu and food preparation processes; and
Help prevent code violations by addressing potential layout and design issues
prior to construction.
This Mobile Food Establishment Plan Review Application Packet is intended to help you through the plan review process
and to ensure that your mobile unit or pushcart meets the requirements of COMAR Special Food Service
Facilities. This document should be completed as part of the plan review process and subsequent food service permit
issuance. The plan review helps to avoid future problems. By listing and locating equipment on floor plans and
diagramming specifications for electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems, potential problems can be spotted while
still on paper and modifications made BEFORE costly purchases, installation and construction.
This packet consists of the following information:
Mobile Food Establishment Plan Review Worksheet
Commissary or Base of Operations Authorization Form
Please complete the attached documents and submit with the required plan review application and fees to the Queen
Anne’s County Environmental Programs. Approval from the Local Health Department (LHD) must be obtained prior to
construction or purchasing a unit.
The following must to be submitted at a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to operation with your completed
application and fees to expedite review and approval or your permit request;
1. Full menuNote: the available equipment may dictate restrictions on the type of food prepared.
2. HACCP Plan detailing food procedures;
3. Complete floor plans of the unit drawn to scale, including placement of all equipment;
4. List of all equipment necessary for the operation of the unit i.e. Cut sheets, manufacturer’s specifications or
photos of the unit and all equipment. Note: All equipment must meet the requirements of COMAR;
5. Provide plumbing specification of all equipment including ware washing sinks;
6. A description of the construction materials used on the unit, including surface finishes for floors, walls,
ceilings, lighting, and countertops (as applicable);
7. Information relating to your base of operation, including approximate dates of use;
8. Dates of operation and location (i.e. where you will be operating the unit) if required by local code;
9. Letter of agreement for proposed Commissary or Base of Operation that is signed by owner of facility (see
attached Commissary or Base of Operations Authorization Form). Potable (drinking) water and wastewater
disposal is required for all mobile food establishments unless your unit is serving only prepackaged foods and
bottled/canned drinks. Note: The LHD will evaluate the proposed fill and dump site to ensure the design
of the septic system can handle the proposed volume and strength of the waste water from your
pushcart or mobile unit. This will be based on your menu and an evaluation of the potential daily
volume of wastewater;
10. Certified Food Managers card if applicable in the jurisdiction in which you wish to operate; and
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11. Copy of Vehicle Registration.
Applicant is responsible for obtaining any required approvals from other agencies, such as planning/zoning, business
license, Fire Marshal, building, city or county authorities, incorporated towns, and the Motor Vehicle Administration
registration/license as applicable.
Note: If the mobile unit is vending only prepackaged non-potentially hazardous foods, a permit is not required
unless specified by local code; however, an application with description of proposed operation is needed. If
vending potentially hazardous foods, an application and permit is required. If you have questions about whether
prepackaged foods proposed are potentially hazardous or not, please contact an Environmental Health Specialist
from your LHD.
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Maryland Mobile Food Establishment Plan Review Worksheet
Mobile food establishments must comply with the applicable requirements in the Maryland Food Regulations. These
regulations may be obtained at:
Applicant is responsible for obtaining any required approvals from other agencies, such as planning/zoning, business
license, building, Fire Marshal, building, city or county authorities, incorporated towns, and the Motor Vehicle
Administration registration/license as applicable.
Please complete the questions on this worksheet in their entirety that apply to your type of mobile food
establishment. Be as specific as possible. Incomplete responses will delay the review process.
Date: __________
Mobile Food Establishment Type: Mobile unit Pushcart
Vending Truck (Pre-Packaged Non-Potentially Hazardous Foods)
Vending Truck (Pre-Packaged Potentially Hazardous Foods)
Is Unit: New Remodeled
Requesting Reciprocity: Yes No
Proposed Business Name: ____________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________
Phone: ________________ Cell Phone: ________________ Fax: ________________
Projected Food Operation Start Date: ___________________________
Months of Operation (i.e. May Sept.): _____________________________
Signature of Owner/Operator ____________________________________________________________
NOTE: If proposed commissary or base of operations is on private well and septic system, obtain written well
and septic approval for use from Local Health Department (LHD) and/or Local Water and Septic Division. The
LHD and/or Local Water and Septic Division will evaluate the proposed commissary or base of operation dump
site to ensure the design of the septic system can handle the proposed volume and strength of the waste water
from your unit. This will be based on your menu and an evaluation of the potential daily volume of wastewater
generated. Additionally, if on a private well, a potable water test result must be submitted with this application.
1. What is the source of potable (drinking) water for use on the unit? Describe methods of filling and
refilling potable (drinking) water tanks. Note: If the water is from a private source, water sample
results must be submitted for approval.
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2. What is the size of the potable (drinking) water storage tank?
3. Is a potable (drinking) water food grade water hose available for filling potable (drinking) water
Yes No
If Yes, where will this hose be stored? ________________________________________________
4. How will your water supply hose, water pipes and water storage tank(s) be disinfected? Describe the
method and frequency of disinfection.
5. How will wastewater be removed from the unit? Describe how waste water will be transported from the unit to
the approved wastewater disposal location.
6. What is the size of your wastewater storage tank? Note: The waste water tank must be sized larger than
potable water tank.
7. Obtain written agreement, signed by owner, of the proposed commissary for discharging liquid or solid wastes
(see attached Commissary or Base of Operations Authorization Form).
8. List all menu items (including all beverages and condiments), attach a menu if needed. Additionally, provide
a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Plan (HACCP).
9. List sources for all foods. All food items must come from approved sources.
10. How will you prevent cross contamination of equipment and between raw and ready to eat (RTE)
foods during operation with the limited space available on the Mobile Food Unit?
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11. Identify where all food items will be prepared (including foods requiring advance preparation).
12. Describe how foods will be transported to and from the unit.
13 Indicate construction materials (quarry tile, stainless steel, plastic covered wall board, linoleum, etc.)
that will be used in the unit in the following areas (as applicable):
15. Attach complete plans of the unit drawn to scale, including placement of all equipment.
16. List all equipment on unit (i.e. refrigerators, freezers, grills, stoves, fryers, etc.) Provide cut sheets,
manufacturer’s specifications or photos of the unit and all equipment.
17. What is the power source for the mobile unit? Mobile units must operate independently and remain
capable of being mobile at all times.
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18. How will the water for handwashing achieve and be maintained at a minimum of 100
F on the unit?
19. Describe methods of preventing no bare hand contact of ready-to eat foods (i.e. utensils, gloves, etc.).
20. Describe ware washing procedures. How and where will dishes and utensils be washed, rinsed, and
21. What type of chemical sanitizer will be used? At what concentration? Proper test strips must be
Type: ______________________ Concentration: _____________________
22. Describe how garbage will be stored and where it will be disposed. Additionally, if applicable,
describe where cooking grease will be stored and disposed.
23. What method(s) of insect and rodent control will be used in your unit? Please note that all pesticide
application must be conducted in accordance with Maryland Department of Agriculture - COMAR
15.05.01 Pesticide Use Control.
24. For push carts, describe the type of overhead protection provided for the unit (i.e. awnings,
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25. Describe how the mobile unit will be cleaned. Where? How? Frequency?
26. No person who has a communicable disease, infected wound or boil, or is experiencing diarrhea,
vomiting, or persistent coughing or sneezing is allowed to work on a mobile unit.
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Commissary or Base of Operation Authorization Form
This serves to notify the Queen Anne’s County Environmental Programs that:
I, __________________________ the owner/operator of the food facility noted below, will allow my facility
to serve as a commissary for the mobile food establishment noted below. I understand that as a commissary
for the mobile food establishment, I must allow the mobile food establishment to return for servicing on a
daily basis. I understand that by signing this form my facility will be inspected periodically by the local health
department to ensure the requirements are met.
Attach a copy of the Food Service Facility License to this application
E-mail Address
__Public __Private
Sewage Disposal
__Public ___Private
Name of Mobile Food Establishment
Name of Mobile Food Establishment
The following services are provided for the Mobile Food Establishment by my Queen Anne’s County
Environmental Programs regulated food facility serving as commissary. Note: If you answer ‘No’ to any of
the below please explain.
1. Adequate space for storage for food, utensils, and other
supplies. Storage area shall be separated from the food
facility’s food, utensils, and other items.
Storage areas for the mobile establishment will be clearly
( ) Yes ( ) No
5. A food preparation area for mobile food establishment that
conducts food preparation. Food preparation area shall be
separated from that of food facility or preparation will be
completed at alternate time of day. If Yes, describe.
( ) Yes ( ) No
2. Potable (drinking) water for filling water tanks.
( ) Yes ( ) No
6. Sanitary disposal of waste water and grease.
( ) Yes ( ) No
3. A three compartment sink for sanitizing utensils.
( ) Yes ( ) No
7. Disposal of garbage and refuse.
( ) Yes ( ) No
4. Hot and cold potable water under pressure for cleaning.
( ) Yes ( ) No
8. Storage of vehicle/cart.
( ) Yes ( ) No
Signature of Commissary Operator Print Name Date
I, ________________________ (owner or operator) of the mobile food establishment noted above agree to use this
food facility as a commissary for servicing on a daily basis. I will use the commissary for the requirements noted
above. If I do not use the commissary, my Queen Anne’s County Environmental Programs food-service license
may be revoked, and I must stop operating until I obtain another commissary and provide a new commissary
authorization document to the Queen Anne’s County Health Department.
Signature of Mobile Food Establishment Owner/Licensee Print Name Date
Annual Renewal Required
YEAR: ________