Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________
Geometry: 6.5 – 6.6 Practice Worksheet Mod: __________
Directions: Use a pencil and show all work.
For #1 – 3, can you conclude that the parallelogram is a rectangle, rhombus, or square? Explain.
1. 2. 3.
For #4 – 9, for what value of 𝒙 is the figure the given special parallelogram?
4. rhombus 5. rhombus 6. Rectangle
7. rhombus 8. rectangle 9. rectangle
For #10 – 15, find the measures of the numbered angles in each isosceles trapezoid.
10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15.
For #16 – 18, find the value of the variable(s) in each isosceles trapezoid.
16. 17. 18.
For #19 & 20, given the midsegment of each trapezoid, find the value of 𝑿𝒀.
19. 20.
For #21 – 23, given the midsegment of the trapezoid, find the value of the variable.
21. 22. 23.
For #24 – 26, find the measures of the numbered angles in each kite.
24. 25. 26.
For #27 – 30, find the value(s) of the variable(s) for each kite.
27. 28.
29. 30.