Revised 10 2016
Utility Color Coding
In response to a recent call to 811, you see that a locator has painted lines of different colors
and has inserted matching flags to represent underground utilities. But what do all of those
colors represent? Here is a summary:
Red electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables.
Yellow natural gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or gaseous materials.
Orange - communications, alarm/signal lines, cables, or conduit.
Blue potable water lines.
Purple reclaimed water, irrigation, and slurry lines.
Green sewer lines.
White areas of proposed excavation.
Remember to dig with care. Utility lines cannot be exactly pinpointed and the depth cannot be
precisely determined. Please use extreme care when digging anywhere near the markings.
Also, if the lines and/or flags are disturbed, call 811 to have the utilities located again for free.